our blog

Why knit socks? - Wabi Sabi

why knit socks?

lisa reid

Ever been asked by a well-meaning relative or friend "Why bother to knit socks?"  Here are some possible answers!

why knit socks?

lisa reid

Ever been asked by a well-meaning relative or friend "Why bother to knit socks?"  Here are some possible answers!

Sensational Socks! - Wabi Sabi

sensational socks!

kellen boucher

Guest blogger Kellen Chang shares her impressions of sock knitting.

sensational socks!

kellen boucher

Guest blogger Kellen Chang shares her impressions of sock knitting.

A Holiday Tale of Woe - Wabi Sabi

a holiday tale of woe

lisa reid

A short play, originally written to answer the once-posed question "Why doesn't Wabi Sabi have a class on knitting tree skirts?"

a holiday tale of woe

lisa reid

A short play, originally written to answer the once-posed question "Why doesn't Wabi Sabi have a class on knitting tree skirts?"

How to Train Your Non-Crafter for the Holidays - Wabi Sabi

how to train your non-crafter for the holidays

lisa reid

A handy guide to giving gentle hints to those who don't share your passion for crafting.

how to train your non-crafter for the holidays

lisa reid

A handy guide to giving gentle hints to those who don't share your passion for crafting.

Tutorial Tuesday:  Starting Guide to Hats - Wabi Sabi

tutorial tuesday: starting guide to hats

lisa reid

All about hats!

tutorial tuesday: starting guide to hats

lisa reid

All about hats!

The Most Ridiculous Thing I Have Ever Knit - Wabi Sabi

the most ridiculous thing i have ever knit

lisa reid

Knitting can result in weird things:  Wabi Sabi teacher Lisa Reid shares her silliest project.

the most ridiculous thing i have ever knit

lisa reid

Knitting can result in weird things:  Wabi Sabi teacher Lisa Reid shares her silliest project.